Who is Patricia Belda, the professional?
In 2008, Patrícia Belda began her own journey in Family Constellations. Eight years after her first experience, in 2016, she led her first workshop in Brazil and then in the United States. The search for personal improvement, transformation and broadening of horizons has always been a constant in her life and this search has led her on this path. Patricia Belda immerses herself in Family Constellations, taking national and international training courses and considers herself an eternal learner.
Patricia Belda follows her vocation as a Family Constellation Facilitator - a new profession that promotes the process of personal growth, for oneself and for others, through in-person group experiences based on respect, acceptance, discretion, sensitivity, rigor, and purposefulness.
Who seeks Patricia Belda?
People attracted to professionals who work with:
Healthy lifestyle
Without any intention of pleasing, attracting followers or customer loyalty
Satisfaction - without viewing work a substitute for a void or an inner failure
Vision - focused on her/his mission not on profit
Patricia follows a journey where growth and prosperity are achieved through a balanced exchange. She continuously acknowledges and honors parents and ancestors.
Patricia Belda was born on May 31, 1963, in São José do Rio Preto, the interior of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. She is the youngest daughter of Hailton and Helaine Gomes. She has been married since 1994 and has two children.
Patricia graduated with a degree in Nutrition in 1984 from the University of São Paulo and concluded her EMBA at the Business School of SP in 1995. She concluded two consecutive Family Constellation training programs with Dr. Renato Bertate which lasted about 5 years (from 2008 to 2013). In 2016, she started her Graduate Program of Family Constellation at Hellinger Schule Brazil & Faculdade Innovare, in São Paulo (1st class in Brazil). In August 2021, she concluded her master degree.
Patricia worked in the fashion industry from 1984 to 1995 and later as a product manager in business fairs and continuing education. Since 2000, she has dedicated herself exclusively to her family, in addition to carrying out numerous volunteer projects. Since 2008, she has immersed herself in Family Constellations.
In addition to São José do Rio Preto, Mrs. Belda has lived in São Paulo, Paris, and New York. She is current living in Brazil and has adopted the USA as the country of her heart.
Who are Patricia Belda's Instructors?
Her parents, Hailton Pedro and Maria Helaine Gomes
Dr. Renato Shaan Bertate, from whom she received and still receives since 2008, the teachings and discoveries of Bert Hellinger, also benefiting from his decades-long experience as a holistic physician.
Hellinger Schule: Bert Hellinger, Mimansa Farny, Sophie Hellinger, Thomas Wittig, Angélica Olvera, Gehard Walper, Cristina Llaguno and Wolfgang Deußer and Joel Weser
Workshops and Conferences:
United Kindom
The School of Philosophy and Economic Science - June 2024, Waterperry, Oxford: The Plato Retreat Study
Bad Reichenhall Hellinger International Days; October 1 to 7, 2023
Walkill, NY, July 2023: M Level Summer Week of Meditation and Readings - School of Practical Philosophy
Palma de Mallorca, June 6 to 8, 2023: Sophie Hellinger "Breakthrough to Love and Understanding" Seminar and Supervision
Suzi Tucker weekend in Long Island (Our Lady of Grace Retreat and Conference Center), 2017
NASC (North American Systemic Constellation) Conference 2017, Virginia Beach, VA
School of Practical Philosophy in New York (2019 to present)
Bernried Intensive 2017: Guni Baxa, Christine Blumenstein-Essen, Diana Drexler, Constanze Lang, Bill Mannle, Lap Fung Cheng.
Bad Reichenhall Hellinger Camp 2019: Sophie Hellinger and Hellinger Faculty
Judith Hemming Workshop in London
São Paulo
Dr. Décio Oliveira 2010
Bert and Sophie Hellinger Seminar:
"Women and Men - how love serves life". São Paulo 14 to 16 December 2012
Mimansa Farny Workshops and training classes
I International Systemic Law Congress 2018
Dr. Renato Shaan Bertate Seminars (2008 to present)