”Dear Patricia,
Your Family Constellation Workshop was a unique and meaningful experience. You created a safe, open environment for all of us to explore relationships and patterns. It was amazing how even though I didn't bring my personal issues to the group, I was able to gain valuable insights from observing and participating in other participants' experiences. For anyone curious about new approaches to self-discovery and family healing, this workshop is definitely worth exploring.
Thanks so much and hope to see you again soon!
M.R. New York - USA - Nov. 2024
”Good evening, Patricia, It was a precious gift to be
in your company and in your guidance to healing old or
even perhaps generational emotional wounds. Thank
you for your clarity, precision and fine attention. Thank
you for serving humanity to heal and become free!
Blessings to you and all your loved ones! Yesterday's
Constellation event was an unexpectedly profound and
stunningly express healing experience, traversing time
and surprising…”
A.G. New York - USA - Mar. 2024
”Thank you for the workshop. It was fantastic and
J.J. New York - USA - Mar. 2024
”Patricia, good morning! All good? I warmly thank you for your affection and
dedication in our constellation meeting. You worked with determination and
discipline, but also with kindness, respect, patience, and love. Now, I will endeavor
to apply the teachings in my daily life with commitment and patience. For now,
I’m deeply grateful. See you soon. Sending a strong hug!”
V.B. São Paulo - BRA - Feb. 2024
”Good Morning!!
S. and I want to thank you for the care and
professionalism with which some of our questions were
addressed in the workshop. Thank you and a big kiss for you!”
L.M. São Paulo - BRA - Feb. 2024
”Hi Patricia,
That was a great experience! Being an observer of an
experience that represents yourself and other
significants in your life made a powerful imprint with me.
Your direction, guidance, and intuitive gifts were deeply
appreciated. This has been very revealing and has
given me a new perspective to spend some time
contemplating and integrating. I am very grateful for this
profound experience.
Kind regards,
P.M. Miami - USA - Nov. 2023
"I am someone who has been on a healing journey for
several years, and has tested a variety of different
healing modalities and experiences. With that said, my
experience just a few days ago in a Family
Constellations workshop led by Patricia was one of, if
not THE, most profound healing experiences of my life.
And I mean that with all my heart and soul. I did not
know what to expect going into the session, all I had
was minimal knowledge of Family Constellations from a
book, movie, and conversations with a friend. Patricia
made me feel comfortable and safe to be there from the
moment we began, and immediately I knew she was
going to be a loving and supportive facilitator. She is
incredibly intuitive and was able to unlock aspects of
healing that I hadn't even brought to light myself. I truly
feel like the healing she was able to facilitate through
this session brought back to life a part of me I had
repressed almost all my life and leaving the session, I
felt whole... and I still do today. If you are feeling the call
to book a session with Patricia, I encourage you to
answer the call. It may be the best thing you do for
yourself and your life. I am incredibly grateful. Thank
you, Patricia!"
S.Q.P. Boston - USA - Oct 23
“I confess that I joined the Family Constellation
openhearted, but full of fear and trepidation at the same
time, always trying to rationalize, but after attending the
first session I understood that it was about feeling, and
so I did. I trusted the soul of light that was leading the
Patrícia is full of truth, acceptance, compassion,
courage, and humility and conveys peace of mind even
in pain.
I am grateful for the opportunity that life gave me to live
this experience, which I confess is painful, but shows
paths to liberation. “
“Pati, gratitude!
After the day I met you and that session, many things in
my life changed.
I went back to talking to my mother. We're super united
again. It's been four years since I've seen my father and
Sunday was an emotional reunion full of love.
I needed to talk to you! And truly thank you! Speechless!
It was unreal! I kissed him! Hugged! It was liberating. I
feel like a different person! All sadness, and
heartaches... are no longer here
I will never forget how much you did … ❤️
T.F. SÃO PAULO - BRAZIL - May 2023
“Patricia did it again! She delivered with love and compassion.
Wonderful learning gathering!“
R.N NEW YORK, May 2023
“As a contemplative counselor who helps others
achieve swift emotional and somatic experiential
breakthroughs, I deeply appreciate the practical
as well as profound benefits of the Family
Constellation model.
Having such an adept, insightful and devoted leader
such as Patricia, to guide one through the process
is not only mind blowing - it is crucial.
Deep dive work such as this requires
pure presence and authenticity.
Patricia creates a space that feels safe and true.
Be prepared to show up fully, for your self and for each
and everyone present. If you do, you will
see what needs to be seen, and leave with a
sense of knowing.“
K.Y. NEW YORK - USA - May 24, 2023
“It was a life-changing weekend.
Internal rearrangement and new images.
Choices that replace sadness.
I left loaded with gifts...”
A.M. SÃO PAULO - BRAZIL - FC Intensive April 15-16, 2023
I looked for Family Constellation as an alternative to see some issues in my life, which I have already been dealing with in other ways, with little expressive results.
I admit that I went there with low expectations, however, I was delighted with what I found: an exceptionally competent professional, profoundly knowledgeable
about the subject, sensitive, insightful, very affectionate human, who translates the clients; questions from a grand perspective, in short, I can only say
Congratulations and Thank you very much!!
V.B. SÃO PAULO - BRAZIL - FC Intensive April 15-16, 2023
"My mother passed away 1 year ago and it was a very
traumatic process at the hospital. I had a very hard time
coming to terms with her suffering over the last few
years, and particularly her painful finale. This non-
acceptance made me lose myself, I was frozen for a
whole year until, on impulse, I decided to constellate
with Patricia. It was the best impulse ever! It became
clear that I was walking towards death, and this
recognition brought me a lot of inner peace and an inner
certainty that everything is and will be well and fine.
The best thing is that after the constellation I felt a
driving force for life, a desire for changes and
My gratitude to this impeccable professional in her
conduction of systemic movements!
Many thanks, Patricia"
P.M. SÃO PAULO - BRAZIL - February 1st, 2023
"The Family Constellation was an alternative treatment
for some conflicts that I have in my life, it was an
incredible experience, it brought me some clarification
and relief. Patrícia and her team are very responsible
and committed to this work, it is really worth knowing
and participating."
E.I. SÃO PAULO - BRAZIL Dec. 07, 2022
"Seven years ago I started my awareness process for
the Universe of Family Constellations. It has been an
incredible journey, an indescribable subtle-deepth…
Little by little the invisible becomes conscious and things
take their place. Patrícia is a person of vision, humble,
sincere and keeps faithful to the field; without inflating
her ego for everything that directs to the Light. I trusted
her and have not regretted it. Even as an adult today,
I can say that I went from being a child to a young woman :-)
There is still a long way to go, but I am very grateful
for everything that has already happened.
B.E. SÃO PAULO - BRAZIL - December 12, 2022
"Very grateful for having met you and for the new
world that you introduced to me too."
F.S. BOSTON - Oct. 22, 2022
"Dear Patricia,
You did it one more time! Thank you for helping me
unlock an unresolved experience totally unknown to me.
I was able to connect dots and things made sense then.
What a powerful resource family constellations are!
Very grateful to you for facilitating one for me."
R.B. NEW YORK - USA - June 9, 2022
"Grateful to you Patricia and everyone present in this
movement for life with lightness. Thank you Patricia, for
doing this meeting in Portuguese. I felt welcomed. May
others come in Portuguese!"
M.C. BOSTON - USA - June 7, 2022
"Dear Patricia,
I thank you for believing in your dream, so it gave me
strength to dream and believe in mine. You inspire me
and I consider you my mentor in this Constellations
work. Thank you so much for the partnership.
With love,"
M.L. BOSTON - USA - June 7, 2022
"Dear Patricia,
I really enjoyed the last constellation. I love how patient
and caring you are to help seekers to sort out their
issues and work on the most important matters, give
them enough time to let the energy flow in the field, and
facilitate reconciliation smoothly. I was amazed by the
strong energy flow in the field. I received a lot of healing
in the field. I would love to attend your next in-person
family constellation workshop and recommend others to
participate and get their unique experience.”
Thank you.
W.W. NEW YORK - USA - March 12, 2022
"Dear Patricia,
It hasn't been until now that I can pause to write to you. I didn't forget your request. Life in the past couple of months has been very hectic. I attended your workshop in person in New York, something that I was waiting for a while to happen.
My heart danced with the love and compassion you gave to every participant who was having a constellation.
I have to confess that I was very happy when you announced that we were going to finish the workshop beyond the scheduled time, in lieu that we started way after the beginning time as well, considering that we were waiting for more participants to arrive. Thank you for honoring that.
Your knowledge, skills and experience at play, while conducting the constellations to us, who volunteered to have one ..were full of insight and healing for me. The constellation you did for me resonated in my field for a long time. Associations kept on being made still now, months later, like puzzle pieces coming together in the bigger picture.
Thank you. I learned a lot. You allowed expansion for me.
I am waiting for March when you come back to NY again, hopefully!
Here this is dancing on my head, I would like to learn more from your style of family constellations. How do I go about it? Another question...do you run family constellations groups? If so, how can I join them?
May your path continue being one of healing for all the ones that come across you. May your heart remain loving and compassionate..
Happy holidays Patricia!
A big warm hug!"
R.W NEW YORK - USA (October 16, 2021)
"Hello dear!
I haven't had time to thank you for the incredible experience you provided.
Thank you! 😍."
V.F SÃO PAULO - BRAZIL (December 1, 2021)
"Thanks Patricia! I benefited so much, even without bringing a personal issue to the group, i.e. “without constellating, I did in fact constellate”. By being there and observing, my universe expanded and my outlook on life improved exponentially. Amazing experience. "
S.A. SÃO PAULO - BRAZIL (December 1, 2021)
"Good morning Patricia! I hope you're well. Stopping by to say that I loved the constellation you had on Saturday! I felt very good and very light afterwards! I wanted to say thank you! I'm feeling good, energetic, more focused and determined. I just did the meditation exercise!
Have a great week and once again, I leave recorded here my gratitude to you.
May you continue on this beautiful path of helping people, families and the universe!
Strong hug"
C.M. MIAMI - USA (October 23, 2021)
"I would like to thank you again for the invitation to have participated in the family constellation!! The four of us (my 3 friends and I) left having had a unique experience of great value!! Truly, congratulations on your work!"
L.C.S SÃO PAULO - BRAZIL (September 26, 2021)
"I participated in your Thursday afternoon meditation practice. Your voice is soothing and pleasant to the ear. I read the stories in the chemo room at the hospital. They are motivating and reflective, and shed light on our limiting attitudes and thoughts, and encourage us to make changes in order to be happy."
M.N. SÃO PAULO - BRAZIL (September 26, 2021)
"I am deeply grateful for the rich opportunity you have given me to experience your beautiful work in this Workshop. Each constellation allowed me to amplify my consciousness a little more. Your competence, courage, humility, and wisdom packed with love, enveloped us all. You provided us with many bonds that brought us anguish and suffering, yet also gave us a new understanding of life. Your caring, firm, love, and courage made me realize what a great human being you are."
L.N.K. São José dos Campos - SP - BRAZIL (September 26, 2021)
"Good evening! This weekend I participated in Patricia Belda’s Family Constellation.
I learned a lot of things. I also experienced important things.
Thanks for recommending this workshop. It was very strong and impactful.
I was healed there."
S.A. - SÃO PAULO – BRAZIL (September 26, 2021)
"Patricia dear! Thank you for offering this wonderful work to all of our students! The impact is tremendous and transformative. We are very grateful for your willingness to come to Boston and offer these workshops!"
Approach International Student Center - BOSTON, MA - USA
"Organizational constellation is the best way to make goals flow and projects prosper. Sensitivity and perception of better interaction emerge between team members. It's a fantastic experience for the evolution of any company. I appreciate having participated in this incredible experience with successful results."
"Reunite with Love
It was a large room, with people seated in a large circle of chairs, which caught my attention as if something had already happened there. This was the first time I participated in a Family Constellation: a different experience in which emotions and feelings overcame reasoning.
I had participated in other meetings, but I never felt like “constellating” my personal issues. The experiences always brought a new and challenging perspective: the participants, the place that seemed to change with each story of those who “were constellating”, the difficulties of each one: except mine....
At one of these meetings, I was especially touched by the story of a person who decided to constellate that evening. The words that Patricia spoke sounded like an experience very close to a certain time in my life; the movements of the participants reminded me of my family; and in the final moments of this experience I "saw" and "felt" a generation of ancestors who looking at me, waiting for relief in the midst of so much pain: at that moment, I felt great love for all of them. It allowed me to say goodbye to what no longer existed... sitting, watching someone else's constellation, allowed me to constellate my grandparents that night; because the field, which represents life, is always open to those who allow themselves to enter into the depth of their existence.
Thanks to Patricia and that lady!"
"Congratulations Patricia!
Sensitivity and Wisdom
Divine vehicle of Simplicity and Harmony
Words that
hit like arrow
chop like ax
comfort like hug
guide like light
open like keys
All of Us
one step forward
on the journey
"I was introduced to Family Constellations approximately four years ago. Being a follower of a certain Evangelical denomination, which has nothing to do with this
excellent work has helped me face with greater clarity all that was very disturbing to me. I was able to participate in this approach and be at peace with myself,
sharing its benefits with everyone around me. I must thank you for these wonderful meetings. Gratitude always."
"I had the pleasure of meeting Patricia when we participated together in some courses and trainings. Patricia is a great professional, has an excellent background, and many, many years of practice. Patricia is one of the best professionals I know in the business. Family Constellation has changed my life! I am delighted and amazed by this modern form of therapy and its healing effects. I'm 39 sure that those who decide to work with Patricia will be very well taken care of and will have a great
"Loved this workshop! It was wonderful, inspiring, and insightful ! There was a beautiful and safe atmosphere that encouraged us all to share our feelings and
thoughts. I am thankful for having had the opportunity to attend and I'm looking forward to attending again!"
"Patricia's guidance is very loving and at the same time assertive. She does not allow our mind to be in control, disrupting the process!
Together we were able to access a lot of information that was in my field, but still unconscious. A very broad understanding has opened up and many changes in perspective! I also learned a lot by observing the constellations of the other participants, which is wonderful, I believe that there is a lot of advantage in being a group constellation!
There is my life before and after the constellation with Patricia.
Eternal gratitude!"
"I followed some of her work with clients, and I was able to evaluate very productive results. You are very earnest and move safely and competently. I wish you much success on this long journey."
"My experience, each time, has been memorable and moving. Patricia is welcoming, patient, and loving. The workshop is a safe space to open up and explore your challenges. Be prepared to feel and think differently when you leave."
"Patricia, through her vast knowledge and practical experience, leads us with wonderful energy, great respect, care and depth through the Constellation
Universe. She engages all of us from the first moment and, as individual issues arise, we are able to recognize ourselves and come together in our humanity. I have
had the privilege of participating in various dynamics in recent years that have shed light on several personal issues thus bringing me many benefits. I recommend her with great security because I feel confident in the exquisite work she does. Gratitude."
"I have participated in a family constellation workshop in London with Patricia Belda, without knowing what to expect. I have been very impressed by her knowledge and
professionalism as well as the power of participant's emotions. I highly recommend this experience!"
"Patricia's experience and knowledge are evident in the sensitive and insightful ways she facilitates the family constellation workshops. She ably guides the participants to view their concerns from a different perspective thereby addressing deep-rooted issues that one finds difficult to break away from. Always an eye-opening experience for all involved whether as a constellator, representative, or observer."
"I have known Patrícia Belda for years, through our teacher Renato Bertate. Over time, I started to participate in the so-called workshops, promoted by her. I can confirm her rich technical knowledge and attitude, enabling opportunities to experience and deepen the orders of human coexistence, how much the Systemic Laws influence families, relationships, not to mention belonging, exclusion, love, knowledge about the orders of human coexistence. Get a sense of how much the Systemic Laws influence families. In recent times we have been going through moments of difficult confrontation (Covid-19), however, Patrícia offers participants all the necessary and mandatory protocols, showing concern, care, and love for all. Although it is difficult to summarize in a few words what this work brought me, I can say my gratitude to Bert Hellinger, Mestre Renato Bertate, and Patrícia Belda, who always receives me with immense affection.
GRATITUDE is the word !!!"
"Hello Patricia- K.M. here. from last Saturday’s constellation. I wanted to take a moment and thank you for holding such a deep and receptive space for our work together. I will look forward to encountering you again. Warmly,"
"I met Patricia at a breakfast with friends, about 3 years ago, and I was intrigued by the professional shift she had taken. Then it made sense: she started caring for the nutrition of the soul! As a lawyer, I was already curious about Systemic Constellations, because of its success in the legal field. From then on, I participated in three experiences with her, and in the last one I brought up a theme ...I love the experiences! I feel like we are looking for something and we end up finding other things. I feel an "irrational understanding" ... a somewhat inexplicable internal reconciliation … I highly recommend it!"
"Patricia dear your work is wonderful!
I participated in a Family Constellation with my husband and was very helpful to us. Her solemnity, competence, and affection helped us to improve our lives."
"I have already "constellated" 3 times with Patrícia, the first time, without knowing much about the constellation after the introduction, she asked who amongst us would bring an issue ... people raised their hands, including me. She looked at me, patted the chair next to her, and called me. Without much awareness, that call was the beginning of my path of understanding, respect, and acceptance. This walk started with me crying copiously just by looking in her eyes. All three times I never left the constellation workshop the same way I arrived. I even continued experiencing moments in which I think: Wow, in this experience I learned from the constellation of another person about what I am living myself!
Patrícia is a wonderful facilitator. She is discreet, and she doesn't need to know your personal history in depth. The question will show itself in the field that she conducts with mastery. I wish that everyone, each one in his own time, can have such rich, beautiful, exciting, and strong experiences when constellating (or just participating) in a workshop facilitated by Patricia. And know that "just" participating will already bring incredible changes and reflections on your humble existence on this existence, in this life.
Thank you, Patricia! We'll see you soon, in an upcoming constellation."
"I am so grateful to have been able to participate in Patricia Belda’s Family Constellation workshops. I first learned about Bert Hellinger’s work in 2013 when I was visiting my family in Brazil. When I returned to the United States, I started looking for Family Constellation practices but had no luck. In 2018, someone referred Patricia to me and I was lucky enough when she told me she was doing a workshop in the US. I was so happy I could keep on learning about Family Constellations and benefiting from representing people’s roles in one’s life. Since 2018, I have been to every workshop I could go. It really is a truly fulfilling experience! "
"I have known Patricia for nearly 30 years and I consider her a very close and dear friend, which I love and respect.
I started participating in Family Constellation more or less 20 years ago, and did my first one with Pat in London. I was a little skeptical at first, about unleashing my emotions with a close friend, and a little shy I must confess. It was an incredible experience.
I met many different facilitators, but I must say Patricia is unique in her kind. Not only is she passionate and professional, but warm-hearted and tough when needed. She follows her sensitivity and her experience in the field and leads to where your soul needs to go.
Thank you my darling!"
"I lived a very rich experience with many reflections that brought me clarity of my present moment in life.
"Patricia dear, I won’t miss tomorrow’s live meditation for anything in the world. I was about to answer you, but I took a little time to assimilate so many "internal compartments" that were opened, scrambled, and organized and but first and foremost, I appreciate the opportunity for the enriching experience of the constellation. It was unforgettable! Thank you, dear, and CONGRATULATIONS for the professionalism and competence with which you lead us in this very important journey with so much respect, welcome, kindness and sensitivity.”